Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Writing Assignment

This weeks writing assignment was to combine five known animals into one and then describe it's behavior.

The Buffabeavphantfelikomodo
(Buffalo-beaver-elephant-feline-komodo dragon)

My first sight of the Buffabeavphantfelikomodo was truly frightening. Actually, I heard it first snuffling through the woods on cat like paws and with the grace of an elephant. It was about the size of an elephant at that with the broad shaggy shoulders of a buffalo. With a long powerful swipe of a reptilian tail, it cleared the path in its wake. The air rang with a bellowing trumpet from the creature’s long, prehensile snout.
Our guide had warned us that they were very dangerous and unpredictable animals, but Jake and I decided we wanted a close look at them on their own territory. One look at each other and we headed for the nearest tree to escape annihilation as it crested the low hummock. Leathery jaws drooling with poisonous slime, it spotted us before we were halfway up the giant sycamore.
I fully expected it to charge. Instead, it sauntered toward us like a huge feline, purring the entire time. For a minute, I thought it was going to leap up and tear us to pieces. But then it did the strangest thing. Back and forth it rubbed its sinuous, Persian haired body against the sycamore.
By then, we were starting to relax, thinking the guide and been putting us on. This guy was really a sweetheart in spite of what they said back at the preserve. But then the Buffabeavphantfelikomodo looked up to stare at us with its cold lizard like eyes. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. If that’s true, this creature was a direct descendent of Beelzebub himself.
It’s a good thing Jake and I were holding tight to that old tree, because the Buffabeavphantfelikomodo lurched suddenly and whammed its powerful tail against the base of the tree, nearly dislodging us. Next, it tilted its massive head sideways and grinned wickedly. That scared us more than anything.
Almost gently the beast licked the sycamore, slathering its poison saliva completely around the base. Our path of escape was effectively cut off. The thing grinned at us again, revealing huge Bucky Beaver teeth. Without out warning, it chomped away half the thickness of the sycamore in a single, powerful nip.
I think it was playing with us. The Buffabeavphantfelikomodo eyed us slyly before taking another shot at our tree. This time, it took a much smaller bite. Even so, the sycamore swayed precariously when the fiend gave a playful nudge with a forepaw.
Jake screamed in panic. It would take no more than a healthy breeze to topple us to our doom. It’s been hours since then and we’re growing weary. I don’t how much longer we can hold on. The Buffabeavphantfelikomodo has curled its massive body about the sycamore and is purring like a locomotive. The thrum of its voice shudders all the way to where we hang on for dear life.


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