Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bodies in the Compost Heap

Don’t tell anybody; it’s a secret. I’m burying bodies in my compost heap. So far there are three, and I check everyday for fresh corpses.

My biggest concern is that Herald (the cat) will find one of them and use it for a chew toy. Seeing as how the victims were poisoned, I don’t want him eating one and getting sick…or worse.

No, I don’t have a covert career as a hit-woman. If you read my post from a couple of days ago, you'll know I’m talking about rats. What utter satisfaction to go home and know that the nasty vermin are succumbing one at a time to the lure of the sweet bait in the trap, never to return again! If there were babies, they should starve to death before long. YAHOO!



Blogger Big Dave T said...

If my wife ever saw rats anywhere on our property here, we'd be moving. It's bad enough we get mice once in a while.

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