Thursday, July 24, 2008

They'er Back!

A couple of years ago, we had a problem with rats invading the backyard and attic. The exterminator said we didn’t have rats, but he was magnanimous enough to set a few traps around. Between the garage and the attic, we killed 19 adults and babies. But we didn’t have rats.

Now…THEY’RE BACK. I was watching the bird feeder the other day when I realized that what I was seeing was not a new, four-legged species of bird. It was a very brazen *&*%$# rat come to help himself to the bird seed.

I scared that one away but an hour later there was another, smaller critter doing the same thing. It makes me cringe to think about them getting into the attic again. I had to empty all the traps last time because the exterminator never came back

Jimbob called our new exterminator the next day and he came out and left a baited trap. I didn’t see any more of the vermin openly raiding the birdfeeder but there was evidence. Their nasty droppings in the seed they’d thrown out of the feeder and didn’t eat.

Then on Monday I was talking to JC (number one brat) and looked out the back window just in time to see a very large rat scurry from one side of the patio to the other. I wanted to run out the door, screaming and flailing my arms and throw something at it. When I came to my senses and figured the only thing I had to throw was the cell phone, I reconsidered. I’d probably miss anyway, and the rat would just laugh.

I did remove the bird feeder, but I felt bad when the birds came looking for food. (I feed the neighborhood stray cats, too.) Yesterday evening when I got home, I went out to the backyard and happened to look over at the compost pile and there lay one very dead, very large rat.

Humans (1) Dead rat (0)!


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