Wednesday, February 03, 2010

4:21 AM and Counting

I woke up this morning at 4:21. I know because I looked at the clock every ten minutes until it was time for me to get up at 5:30. My alarm was set, but some how my beleaguered mind had the delusion that it wouldn't go off.

The human mind is a strange mechanism. I seldom forget to turn on the alarm; rarely do I sleep through the alarm; once in a great while, I might hit the off button instead of the snooze, but the alarm works whether I do or not. So why the insomnia when all systems were go. Yeah, I'm really tired.


Blogger Duke_of_Earle said...


Most mornings I wake up 1-5 minutes before the alarm is set to buzz. On those other, odd days, the damn thing jars me out of some dream. In either case I turn it off and shuffle to the bathroom to start the morning routine.

MY problem is that I then have to shuffle BACK to the bedside, look at the stupid clock, and make SURE I did turn it off and not simply hit the snooze button in my post-dream stupor. Because if that's what I had done, the buzzer will go off nine minutes later while I'm in the middle of shaving and probably wake Carol. If she wakes to the sound of my clock buzzing and I'm not in bed to turn it off, she becomes unhappy with me (go figure!). You see, I usually can't hear the buzz-buzz-buzz (water is running, bathroom door is shut) and it keeps buzzing until she fumbles around and turns it off, or screams at me, or throws books at the bathroom door to get my attention. And when I'm standing there shaving with my mind a zillion miles away and a book slams into the bathroom door, I either flinch and cut myself or bang my head on the ceiling from jumping so high.

Needless to say the rest of the day is usually less than pleasant.

In contrast, I think I prefer the insomnia.


Blogger Big Dave T said...

Hmmm, I wrote a comment here and it died. Try again . . . the body clock is a marvelous contraption. I manage to sleep through my wife's alarm (she gets up an hour earlier), which is the same clock and same alarm, unless she keeps hitting the snooze.

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