Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On Aging

I’m going bald.
What’s left is turning gray.
My chin is sprouting spiky hairs.
And I can no longer see to pluck them.
Just seeing is a thing of the past.
I have three pairs of glasses…
and can’t find any of them.
Alas, my trim waist has disappeared
along with my glasses.
I seem to find all the weight
other people have lost.
My arms are adorned with dewlaps.
Gravity is winning the battle.
I now have sags…
where I never had places.
There’s a caboose knocking
at my back door,
obliterating my tracks
as I shuffle along.
Puberty was a picnic…
compared to menopause.
Speaking of pause…
I often get lost…
on the way to somewhere.
If only I could remember
where I was headed…
and why…I’d be just fine.
And, oh…did you say something?
I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear.


Blogger Veronica Wald said...

I'm with ya, honey, all the way. And you know what? I wouldn't trade it for anything from an earlier era of my life, except that waspy-waistline I haven't seen in kind of a long time.

Blogger Big Dave T said...

Just three pair of glasses? I have five or six lying around the house. That way I can usually find at least one of them when I need them.

Blogger kevosthename said...


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