Friday, September 20, 2013


What started out as a love for reading in third grade has turned into a passion. So many times I thought how did this person get published? Or, I could do better than this. Have I written a better book? I think so, but I can only hope that other people will agree.

It's hard to believe that my first book will be published this year. I've done all the edits, gotten an author's picture taken, coerced a couple of friends to endorse it, written my biography, a dedication, and a teaser for the back cover. Later today, after I make sure everything is in order, I send it back to the publisher.

The Light of Ishram has been a long time in the making. The original story line was born when my son had a fourth grade writing assignment to do with a parent. Obviously, the story has grown, taken a few unexpected turns, and morphed into a different entity.

To say I'm excited is a gross understatement. I'm still pinching myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.


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