Sunday, March 11, 2012

Say What?

Nasty Germ Microbe - Vector Illustration of a yucky germ...
Capital One asks, "What's in your wallet?" But I was watching a show on the Smithsonian Channel the other day called "What's in your pockets?" The premises was that the host toured different areas and asked people what they had in their pockets. Pretty simple and very interesting.

They interviewed numerous people at the local mall, firemen, policemen, soldiers, craftsmen, carpenters and others I can't remember.

They they got down to the scientific stuff. Researchers collected lint (we all have it) from the pockets of jeans. It turns out that freshly washed jeans, or those worn only one day were fairly germ free. A few people had food crumbs or gum wrappers, but nothing extraordinary.

Then...they collected pocket detritus from jeans worn three or more days. As you might imagine, these jeans were more lethal than the previously tested candidates. Among the carrion, common things found were ecoli (from fecal matter) and streptococcus.

Ewe! I'm thinking this says a lot about peoples hygienic habits. But, I reached into my pocket to see what I was carrying. One used tissue...streptococcus central. Not only have I stopped carrying used tissues around but I've been more diligent about washing my jeans and anything else with pockets.

Now...let me think. What about purses?


Blogger Big Dave T said...

Ewwwwwwwww is right. I don't think you'd find anything interesting in my pockets, but I've been known to wear jeans for three days before putting them into the hamper. I would have rather not known what they found.

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