No Way!

Whether you call it Hillbilly Hand Fishing, Okie Noodling or Mud Catting, the answer is, "Oh, hell no!" Why on God's green Earth would anyone want to stick their hand into a muddy, dark hole under the water where anything might be lurking. Then there's the issue of knowingly and willingly jamming your hand into the mouth of a giant catfish.
No, catfish don't have teeth, but they do have sharp spines that hurt when you get stuck. Besides, how would you like it if some jerk came along, invaded your home and stuck his fist in your mouth?
Okay, so I'm a wimp. I admit it, but I just don't get the attraction. Where there's water, you know there's going to be snakes and other creepy-crawlies. You know, like snakes, crayfish, bugs and reptiles.
Now there seems to be a plethora of shows on television about this, "sport" with a bunch of voluptuous young women trying their luck with hairy, toothless men as instructors.
Well...maybe that answers the question for the men, but the women??? I rest my case.
So, what you are really saying is you can't wait to try it - right? Let everybody know when your episode will air so we will be sure to tune in!!
To think that our ancestors may have had to do that to survive. No, thanks. I'm not that fond of anything that lurks in holes anyway.
N6FFU, no way, no how am I going to stick any of my body parts into a dark, watery hole.
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