Thursday, July 07, 2011

I've Heard That One Before

As a wannabe writer it's difficult to read a book without critiquing. I've noticed in many instances that well known, published writers often grow lazy. They're not held to the same standards as a newbei. Instead, they continue to sell books on their name...not talent.

I'm not saying they don't have talent, just that POV, sentence structure, punctuation and lack of plot are overlooked for those who are fortunate enough to have broken into print.

Am I jealous? No...maybe... I've read some pretty bad stinkers by established authors. Many prolific writers appear to have a formula for their books. Read a couple of their plots, and they start to become very familiar. Thus the title of this post.

Now that I've said my piece, I'll crawl back under my rock.


Blogger Big Dave T said...

Yeah, seems like some writers take the axiom "write what you know" to the extreme, just using the same subject matter over and over. But if you've tried to write a book, you know that it's not as easy as it looks, right?

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