Old Fashioned
I admit it. I'm old fashioned...and maybe, just getting old. Business casual around the office appears to be more casual and less business. Shorts? Spaghetti straps? Flip-flops? Jeans with holes? CFM heels?
There used to be a big poster in the copy room when I came to this office labeled "Dress Code". I think management was afraid they'd get sued for discrimination, or cruel and unusaul punnishment, or whatever. So it faded into the sunset one night when no one was looking along with men's ties.
And one of those minor faux pas that irks me to death is shoes without some type of stocking. We got sent to detention in school for not wearing PEDS with our flats. Or bobbie socks with tennis shoes. Worse, in high school it was hose with a garter belt (obviously invented by some man) or a gridle. Pantyhose didn't come along until I was out of school.
Going soxless to me is like going commando. How unsanitary. Think of those ten little piggies snuggled into yesterday's toe jam. Yech! That's like having skid marks in your suit pants.
Ironically, my wife and I were having this very same conversation, or something like it, this week. We're wondering where management draws the line anymore. Sweats? Sagging drawers?
Like you, we can't figure out what happened to dress codes in general. True, every time I come to work with a tie, it's unusual enough that people ask me if I'm interviewing for another job. I do dress more business casual than business but I'm still better than my colleague who wears the SAME pattern and color of clothes every day, usually shorts and a t-shirt. His excuse, he's a large man and once he finds something that fits comfortably, he buys several of the same, identical outfit.
At least he's wearing clean clothes (I hope).
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