Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I got up this morning and looked out the window and thought, "Oh great, now the sprinklers have gone berserk." Just what I need, another plumbing problem. It took me a few minutes to realize that it was actually raining. I can't remember the last time we've had rain here in North Texas.

Of course, Tinkerbell, the Persian Princess, is yowling her head off to go out. Sometimes, she's worse than a little kid. She goes out one door and runs around to the other to come in. Each time she comes in, she expects a kitty treat. (I think cats are related to catfish, they both like stink bait.) Anyway, I let her out the front this morning so at least she'd be somewhat sheltered from the deluge.

After my shower, I decided I'd better go check to see if she was ready to come in. Does anyone know what a wet cat smells like? Tink was one wet, little black cat. She didn't like that nasty rain and wanted the whole world to know about it.


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