Thursday, April 19, 2007


I went out early Saturday to run a few errands and when I got home there were a couple of strange cars parked on both sides of the curb in front of our neighbor's house. And a dead squirrel in the middle of the road.

I backed into the driveway as usual and watched while a young girl about 17 got out of one car and she was sobbing. A guy got out of the other car and took a look at the squirrel and then went to his car for what I assumed to be something to pick up the carcass.

While he was looking, I went into the garage and came back with a plastic bag and handed it to him. The poor girl was sitting on the curb crying inconsolably. The guy picked up the squirrel and then looked around like he wasn't sure if we expected him to put it in his car. As I walked by I pointed to the garage and said, "Put it in the green one."

I think he was glad I'd come home when I did. I asked the girl if she wanted to come in for a drink but she said she just wanted to wash her face. Finally she quit crying and pulled herself together. When she left she said, "I know it was just a squirrel but I've never seen anything die."

Thank God she didn't hit somebodies pet.


Blogger Big Dave T said...

Condolences on the loss of your own pet. Beautiful cat she was. I've hit a few birds in my time, but that's about it. No squirrels.

I do remember being in a van as part of a class going on a field trip. On the way, we ran over somebody's dog. We saw a young girl running towards the road afterwards, but there wasn't anything we could do. Felt bad about that.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww.... I'm so sorry about your cat. I know how hard it is to say goodbye to someone you love.

Such a sad story about the little girl and the squirrel. That's traumatic when you're so young like that.

Blogger Moggy said...

It's sad about the squirrel, but it's good for people to have feelings for animals and each other. It is a good thing that you were there.

When I was in first grade someone accidentally ran over our dog and waited for us to come home so he could tell us about it. Not sure how long he had to wait, but I've never forgotten that he did that.

Blogger Sharon said...

What a touching story. I can only imagine how sad this little girl must have felt I'm an adult & everytime I see a dead squirrel in the road in makes me sad.

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