Death in the Office
We lost a co-worker this past weekend, so it’s been pretty depressing around the office.
It’s always a shock when someone dies suddenly. Gary was only 58 and appeared to be the picture of health. He went home Friday night and suffered a heart attack and was taken off life support Sunday morning. At times it’s difficult to get your mind around the fact that he’s really gone.
We are reminded of our own mortality. I think most of us tend to drive a little more carefully, talk to our friends and family a little kinder until the shock wears off.
Life will go on and it won’t be long before someone will replace him in the office. New people coming will ask “who” when his name is mentioned. It all seems rather sad.
My condolences. It is true too that it won't be long before he'll be just a distant memory. I remember a co-worker whose husband died suddenly of a heart attack and he was even younger (in his 40s). I felt so sad for this lady, whom I used to supervise, as she always raved about her husband, how much she depended upon him, etc. Yet, within a year of his death she had re-married and is now happy as ever.
Thanks for commenting on my chili blog. I had hoped you would. Texans all seem to like their chili thick.
I think in instances like this, we become more aware of our own mortality. We begin to wonder how long after we ourselves are gone will memories of us survive?
I guess we can only spend our time on earth living the richest and fullest lives possible, and to touch positively as many others' lives. That will be our legacies.
Thanks for the visit and birthday wishes. Being laid up for so long, it sure gives one plenty of time and a clear mind to reflect upon our lives.
I had a friend who died just yesterday. They think he had a blood clot in his lung. He was in his mid seventies but he will be missed. Sorry to hear about your friend.
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