Thursday, March 20, 2008

Words, and There Are words.

I actually wrote this on Tuesday, but haven’t been able to post until now, so here it is.

I’m having a really hard time concentrating today on the things I’m supposed to be doing. I take one extra day off for the weekend and I’m totally wasted. Besides, I’m having a bad hair day. It’s raining and humid and my hair looks for shit. So here I am sitting and thinking about really stupid things. Like the sound of words.

Onomatopoeia is 'the formation of names or words from sounds that resemble those associated with the object or action to be named, or those associated with the object or action to be named, or that seem suggestive of its qualities: atishoo, babble, cuckoo, croak, ping-pong, sizzle'.

But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m referring to words that sound alike but are spelled differently. Or are spelled differently and sound the same. Take the little word be as in, “To be or not to be.” And then there’s bee, which is an insect that packs a nasty wallop, but makes a sweet treat.

Add “r” to bee and you get beer…change the “b” to a “d” and you get deer, or change the “r” to “d” and you get deed. But if dear is pronounced exactly the same why isn’t it spelled the same. If red and bed sound alike, why isn’t read (as in I read the book yesterday) red? But, read and bead are not pronounced the same way as dead. Dead is more like bed or red. Tears (sounds like ear) slid down his face, could also be don’t tear (sounds like air) the book.

I think I just hurt my brain. My powers of deduction are a legend in my own mind. Besides it’s time to go back to work.


Blogger Big Dave T said...

Isn't "assonance" something like what you're describing? Now there's a stupid sounding word, though.

Happy Easter! Hope your weather is better than our's here in Michigan. The Easter bunny is staying home here.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

too and to always got me. :o)

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