Monday, June 06, 2005

Garage Sale

Our Chancel Choir held a garage sale this last Saturday to raise money for new choir robes. We showed up in the church parking lot at 6:00AM and started "arranging" stuff for sale on tables. Some of also brought enough baked goods to enlarge the bottoms of the entire church. We may have to get wider seats for the new sanctuary that we are buying the new robes for.
By 11:30 all the goodies were gone along with a great deal of our recycled junk. It's amazing what people will buy. Not that I'm any different. I told Jimbob to write the church a check for $100 before he left so I could shop at my leisure. You can buy a whole lot of STUFF for $100. And here I've been trying to clean my garage out.
Jimbob still has three saddles (no horses), boxes and boxes of paper from thirty years ago that he "might need" and clothes that he wore in the 50's. Not to mention the artwork that he's collected over half a lifetime.
You should see the walls inside our house. There isn't a square inch of wall space that doesn't have a picture hung on it. I love art, but enough is enough.


Blogger Karyn Lyndon said...

Hey, if Jimbob writes out $100 checks whenever you tell him to...what's putting up with a little "stuff"?

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