Friday, December 16, 2005


This is in response to Karyn ‘s meme tag to say fifteen things about books. I don’t know that I can add much to those who have gone before me, but here goes.

1. I discovered the school library when I was in third grade. I made a vow to read every book they had by the time I finished sixth grade. Of course I didn’t quite achieve my goal, but I gave it my best. I especially liked what was labeled “boys’ adventure” books.

2. Books were my escape from an unhappy family situation when I was growing up. I could go anywhere, do anything and be anyone and not be confronted with the less than pleasant realities of life.

3. I don’t think I can tell you the best book I ever read, but the worst was “Imajica” by Clive Barker. I kept wondering, “How did this get published?” I thought it had to get better, instead it went steadily downhill.

4. On second thought, two of my favorite books were “A Fine Balance” by Rohinton Mistry and “The Laments” by George Hagen. I got so involved in both stories that I had to put them down at times because I knew what was coming next and I didn’t want it to.

5. Okay, let’s add a few more favorites. “Green Darkness” by Anya Seton. “Aztec” by Gary Jennings. “One Thousand White Women” by Jim Fergus. “That Man Cartwright” and "Five Smooth Stones” by Ann Fairbairn. “Hammerfall” by C J Cherryh. “Rendezvous With Rama” by Arthur C Clark. “Stranger in a Strange Land” by Robert A Heinlein. “The Secret Life of Bees” by Sue Kidd. “Insomnia” by Stephen King. And one last one, “The Honk and Holler Opening Soon” by Billie Letts.

6. Never read Michener’s “Hawaii” when you’re twelve and your mother hasn’t read it first. Bad move, especially if you know the meaning of all “those” words.

7. When my son was in junior high (middle school) he would purposely start an argument with his teachers until they made him go sit in the hall. They didn’t care what he did as long as he didn’t move and was quiet. He always had at least one book with him for those occasions.

8. I once worked as a bookkeeper. Talk about creative financing. I won’t be going back to that anytime soon.

9. Writing a book is a lot harder than most people think, but it’s even harder to get it published. If you're already famous, it’s a snap even if you can’t write.

10. I originally wrote a book nearly twenty years ago with a character named Jessup. Now J K Rowling has Hagrid who is very similar to Jessup. Of course if I happen to get a contract for my book, I’m going to have to reinvent Jessup so it doesn’t look like I’m copying.

11. Books are one of my favorite this to give as gifts. You can never have too many books. They are also great to read and pass on to someone else.

12. I have this secret affair going on with cookbooks. I don’t actually make anything to their specifications, but I get lots of ideas. I can sit and read a cookbook like a novel.

13. There’s a “how-to” book on the market to do almost anything. And where there’s one, look for a dozen. Everybody jumps on the bandwagon when they smell success.

14. I’d rather read than do almost anything. I wrote a story called "The Bookaholic" about a girl named Callie who read all the time. It was actually about me as a child.

15. Regardless of how much you love a book, not everybody will like it. I gave a friend “The Laments” and she thought it was ho hum and I thought it was one of the best I’ve ever read. She gave me “The Virgin Blue” and I’m still trying to figure out what the plot was.

Okay, that’s my fifteen. Now I have to figure out who to tag. Those who I know who are writers and readers have already been tagged. I’ll have to give this some serious thought while I go about the day’s business.

I actually wrote this last Thursday and still haven't come up with anyone to tag, so alas, I'm still tagless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am reading a lot of clive barker.... i like his weaveworld book, & the books of the dead. he really had an interesting mind, imo. havent read imajica yet, though we have it. i may try it one day, j says it didnt call his name, & it looks like it might not be my cup of tea either.

Blogger Karyn Lyndon said...

Thanks for participating in the meme...and for the link!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, but Imajica was my favorite CLive Barker book, and I don't like fantasy, typically. Go figure.

Blogger Playground In My Mind said...

This is a fun post. I found your blog via Hamel's. I love books, too. I agree-if you have fame, publishers flock to you whether you can write or not...sadly that keeps people like you away from the spotlight and library card catalog where you belong. Renee

Blogger Playground In My Mind said...

p.s. I forgot: I am also a native Californian-transplanted to WI and my little sis has landed in Southern TX. Coincidence? I think not. ;) Renee

Blogger Unknown said...

I remember as a child loving to read, it took me out of the world I was living in and into a world I wanted to be a part of. I may not be a writer but I am a lover of reading and without you wonderful people who take me to your world I would be lost.

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