Thursday, May 25, 2006


Tuesday night Jimbob and I were asked to attend a pipe organ recital with a friend from church.We accepted the invitation thinking it would be really great. The woman who was playing is world acclaimed. She’s won numerous awards and been awarded several honorary doctorates at various universities.

When I think of pipe organ music, I envision thunder rolling across the stage, bands of angels coming to save the world, battle and glory in war. We were primed for am enjoyable evening of blow-out, larger-than-life, in-your-face organ music.

And were we ever disappointed! I’m sure the organist was very accomplished (just look at her credentials), but she was singing a tune to someone else. Instead, we got insipid pabulum, drizzle and drool. I’ve never heard a great pipe organ like that sound namby-pamby before.

Even Bach came off as an emaciated, vague imposter of BACH. I love Bach’s fugues played on the pipe organ, but last night they were unrecognizable. The only piece that was halfway decent was by Cesar Frank, and even that sounded pretty damn wishy-washy.

I thought it was just me, but Jimbob said the same thing when we got in the car to go home. Great, world renown organist or not, she wasn’t ringing my chimes.


Blogger Big Dave T said...

At the old Michigan theatre in Ann Arbor, they have one of those old pipe organs that used to be played during the silent movie era. And they still play it before feature films.

I also remember going to The Organ Grinder, a restaurant in Toronto which featured live pipe organ music. I have some fond memories of listening to some beautiful music there. But the place is closed now. And I believe the ranks of accomplished pipe organists are fast diminishing.

Blogger Deb said...

Maybe she was "burned" out. You can tell when a person's heart is into the music; totally different sound than just someone pounding keys.

Blogger Duke_of_Earle said...


Since I'm not a big pipe-organ fan, it's hard to relate specifically. But I've been to other music events after which I decided it had been a waste of time AND money. In contrast, there have been others that left me feeling high for days.

Deb (above) may be right.


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