Saturday, April 28, 2007


Jimbob called me at work yesterday to tell me we had a snake in the garage. How did he know? Well...he was trying to close the garage door, but the little snaky poo was faster. Apparently it got scared and scooted right in before the door came down.

I almost asked him what he wanted me to do about it (it was 2 hours before I could leave), but then remembered is insane fear of snakes. I can' say that I'm overly fond of the critters, but I don't turn green and squeal like a little girl.

As it turns out, a friend came into my cubicle minutes later and I mentioned Jimbob's phone call. He said, "Go talk to Larry K, he gets snakes in his garage all the time."

Okay, I went to talk to Larry and his advise was to get moth balls and spread around the garage. So I called Jimbob back and passed on the info to him. He must have bought every math ball in McKinney, because I could smell it from outside the garage door when I got home.

By then it'd been an hour and a half so he went inside to open the garage door while I watched to see if the snake made a slithery exit. Poor thing must have been overcome from the reek of the moth balls. It dropped off the top of the door as it went up and actually appeared to be stunned.

I grabbed a broom and tried to sweep it off the driveway into the grass, but it got scared and kept trying to go back in the garage. I managed to pin it with the broom and pulled gently on the tail. I finally got it out and guided it (very reluctantly) away from the garage...and of course it went right into the backyard.

Okay, it wasn't in the garage so I pondered whether I wanted to look for it again. I really would have liked to take it across the street into the greenbelt, but I don't know anything about handling snakes. Besides I didn't think it was poisonous. Maybe a rat snake or a gopher snake. Regardless, it's on its own now.


Blogger Big Dave T said...

I'd probably not be much better than Jimbob. And if I knew it were a poisonous snake, forget the mothballs, I'm moving out. The snake can have the house, garage, the whole yard.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a pretty funny story. It probably slithered next door by now.

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