Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Our department out of God knows how many in this office complex is suffering with low moral. Not that anybody cares. So the people I work directly with and who report to R (da boss) have decided that we should get together once a month and go to lunch.

Three times now we’ve gone to lunch and three times R has declined to go. His excuse is that he’s too busy. Yes, he’s busy but so are the rest of us and the idea was that this would be good for moral. This just goes to show what he thinks of the people who work for him.

Last Friday we decided to go to “On the Border”, a local Tex Mex place that’s popular here in North Texas. We had a good time and made lots of jokes about R not having time for us. It's called "bonding".

Luckily I was sitting at one end of the table and SC (Stupid Cow) was at the other. Believe it or not this was entirely by design, but I heard about it on Monday from SC's dining partners. It seems that when the meal was over, she asked the waiter if they had dental floss. He told her they just had toothpicks.

So, SC went and got a handful of toothpicks and passed them out. Then she start’s digging at her teeth (like she was going for gold). When that didn’t work, she reached into her bag and got out her dental floss.

You've probably guessed where this is going. And you’re probably right. She sat and flossed her teeth at the table, much to the disgust of those around her.

I always knew that SC has no people smarts, but naively assumed she would have a few table manners.

WRONG AGAIN! Oh, the story of my life.


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