Monday, September 11, 2006

One of Those Days

I knew it was going to be “one of those days” when I got up and discovered that I had numerous fire ant bites on and about my person (some rather personal places at that). For any of you who have never seen a fire ant, that’s one to the right, greatly magnified. They’re really quite small, but they raise quite a welt if you’re allergic to them.

When we first moved to Texas, my daughter got several bites on each foot and 24 hours later her feet looked like raw hamburger. I’m not quite that allergic, but close.

I got to my desk this morning and checked my e-mails first thing. What a mistake that was. So-and-so is accusing somebody or other of some stupid thing and the stupid cow steps up to the plate to put in her two cents worth. It wouldn’t be so bad if she knew what she was talking about and she wasn’t trying to make everyone else look bad. Just a whole lot of finger pointing going on.

Do they make muzzles for cows? Maybe I could break both her legs and all of her fingers. But that wouldn’t stop the mouth. Some people have terminal diarrhea and constipation of the brain. I’ve probably said that before, but I’m just being bitchy today.

Tomorrow I get the wonderful honor of trying to teach a bunch of outsiders how to do my job. This is supposed to take part of the pressure off us for 2007. We’ll have to wait and see. They have promised that we’ll get a fourth person in our area after the first of the year. I quit believing in the tooth fairy a long time ago.

Now that I'm home and trying to post this, wouldn't you know I'm having a devil of a time trying to get anything done?


Blogger Big Dave T said...

A fellow employee here in Michigan just quit her job to move down to Texas and get married. She's been told that there's fire ants where she's going to be living. She's worried too.

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