Monday, July 16, 2007

Hi Ho, Hi Ho

It's off to work I go. And it only took about 20 minutes before bossman came to tell me what a wonderful job Wonder Woman did holding things together while I was out. And about 21 minutes for the people who had to work with her to tell me what a royal crock of you know what it was. Shortly after that, I received several phone calls thanking me for being back. Just another happy day in LaLa land. I so love my job.
Bossman asked me what my plans were and I told him half days this week and full next week, but the week following I was in Reno NV. He wasn't a happy camper. Like I told him, I will be there for the birth of my first grand baby.
Anyway, JC and I went to see the Harry Potter movie last Saturday. We agreed that it wasn't as good as the others, but there was also so much story and background to get into it that it dragged at times. I wouldn't pay to go see it again, but I would watch it on TV when it's released. I find that there's always something I missed the first time through.

Tomorrow I'm celebrating my birthday with one of the guys I work with. It's the big 60 for us. We both were born and raised in California, about 20 minutes down the road from each other and I'm about 20 minutes older than him. Forty-five years later we moved to TX to meet for the first time. I used to tell my kids that we were twins separated at birth. They were never quite sure whether to believe me or not.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday TO YOU!!!! Have a happy celebration!

And I'm glad to hear that you are mended and back to work. Good for you for taking the time off to see your grandchild be born.

Blogger Hale McKay said...

Happy birthday! The big 6-0... I will not take that lightly - for in February '08 I too will cross that bridge.

Glad to see you are recovered from your injuries.

(Maybe if I'd been under the ladder you wouldn't have been hurt so bad.)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday =)

Blogger Moggy said...

Here I am late as usual...Happy Birthday I'm just a few years behind you.

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