Tuesday, August 30, 2005

100 degrees...AND COUNTING

I never thought I'd be happy to see the temperature in the mid to upper 90's, but I certainly am. After a week, more or less, we're finally cooling off...sort of. Yesterday was so nice when we broke class for lunch that I took my brown bag outside in the shade and read a book while I ate.

Mater Gardening class is going well. Everybody there WANTS to learn. The people who have already been certified as Master Gardner's are very helpful. Although, I can't remember the last time I had to do homework.

As usual, I spent all day today catching up on e-mails. I can work the entire day without ever looking at a blueprint. Jimbob is always surprised when I tell him I've spent a million dollars before lunch. I just wish I could put it in my bank account.

Oh well, it's not mine so I spend, spend, spend.


Blogger Duke_of_Earle said...


You probably could put it in your bank account... for a day or two. Then they'd lock you up for a decade or two, PLUS you'd have to give back the money.

Not a good exchange, I'd say.

And yeah, temps below triple digits DO begin to feel good, after the alternative.


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