Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Why is it when you take one day off from work, it takes you three days to catch up? Monday was my first day of Master Gardners class and I had such a good time. Everybody's so friendly and the instructor is happy to be there.

Since Monday was our first day, the former graduates of the class brought in lunch for us. It turned out there were more Master Gardners there than students. So in all, we had about 60 people. I hope one of these days I'll be able to say I'm a certified Master Gardner.

Now for another subject, guess who's going to be installing a new dishwasher this weekend? Our old one has been going bad for the last six months. I suppose I'm lucky it lasted 13 years. It just seems like everything is breaking down all at once. In one month I've had to buy a new freezer, garbage disposal and now a dishwasher.

John at Romantic Ramblings was right. It's a conspiracy. I don't dare think about the refrigerator that sounds like a grabage hauler squasing trash when the ice maker comes on. The little flap that keeps the cold in when you aren't getting ice through the door only closes sporadically (meaning almost never) so we have to make sure to pull that little pressure thingy back in place. The insulation on the door has been disintegrating for the past 2-3 years. Yes, it's a conspiracy.

Okay, so now it's time for me to wade into this bottomless pit called my desk. And while I'm at it, the spell check on my blog site suddenly doesn't work. I can spell but my fingers are blind.


Blogger the many Bs said...

When I moved into my townhouse, it seemed like everything broke at the same time. It was 18 years old and my theory is that 18 years is how long everything lasts. But now that practically everything is replaced, I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the few old items remaining that are now 22 years old!

Blogger Duke_of_Earle said...

Ha! And there are still unbelievers out there!

They'll learn!


Blogger Karyn Lyndon said...

We bought our house new in 1983 (and I still think of it as our new house.) That makes the dishwasher 23 years old. I bet they've made some advances in dishwashing technology since then. Maybe ours will get wind of this conapiracy thing so I can get a new one...

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