Monday, August 08, 2005


I'm pissed. Make that Pissed with a capital P. Actually it should be PISSED with capital everything. I went to let the Persian tyrant out this morning and when I opened the front door, lo and behold, I discovered that some xchdufh person had stolen one of my potted plants from the porch. I thought maybe they were just screwing around and moved it, but after a thorough search I can only conclude that it was stolen.

What they couldn't see in the dark is that it has mealy bugs. You know those white cottony, little blobs that suck the life out of plants. I hope it infects every house plant they own.

That's pretty damn low to walk up to somebody's porch and help themself to whatever they want.

Probably some of you are saything that it was just kids fooling around. So what? It wasn't theirs to take. How'd they like it if I walked up to their house and swiped a plant or lawn ornament? And Jimbob thinks I'm over-reacting when I get after him to lock his car and the doors to the house.

Okay, they didn't get into the house and steal Jimbob's art collection, or steal a car, or do damage, but I'm still


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