Thursday, September 01, 2005

Have You Ever Part 2

Walked on the beach with someone you love.
Laughed until your sides ached.
Searched for shapes in the clouds.
Or watched a billowing mass of thunderheads piling one on top of another.
Hit your finger with a hammer.
Picked wildflowers with your daughter.
Cried where your children can’t hear you.
Gone rock hopping down the middle of a stream.
Held a sick child in your arms for a full day.
Witnessed your child’s first solo bike ride.
Driven with the top down going absolutely nowhere.
Swung so high that you thought that you would go over the top.
Gotten falling down drunk.
Sat by your child’s hospital bed after a serious injury.
Had the sillies for a whole day.
Danced naked in front of the mirror.
Watched the sun come up in the morning.
Spent six weeks in the hospital.
Rested your head on someone’s shoulder and talked nonsense.
Asked for a hug.
Bought something that you had no use for.
Seen a solar eclipse.
Wished you hadn’t eaten that last piece of pie.
Played in the sprinkler.


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