Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Long Day

I got to work this morning at 6:30 to catch up on all 120 e-mails from yesterday. I was doing really well until my anal boss started questioning everthing I did last Friday. It wasn't like it was wrong, he just doesn't trust anything the first time.

So after redoing about 20 reports for the third time, I finally gave them back to him with the additional information he requested. So when I took them into his office, he starts questioning me again about the numbers. I explained again about all the revisions. That apparently satisfied him...if only momentarily.

Right around quitting time he called again with more questions. And I was delusional enough to think I could get on top of the pile today. Silly me. HA!!!!


Blogger DBFrank said...

You have the same boss I do? What are the odds of that?

Blogger Nankin said...

Would you believe Mr. Wonderful called me again after I left for the day asking the same questions...again?

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