Sunday, September 18, 2005


I went to Garden Ridge yesterday to buy more yarn to finish the afghan I'm working on, and oh boy, I canvassed the whole place. I was alone, so why not?

I bought a new ornament for the pond, a grille brush for the bar-b-que, 2 lighter sticks for Jimbob's chimenia, a new iron, 3 Christmas ornaments, a new pot for my geranium, 4 miniature spice jars, 4 miniature loaf pans and at the last moment I remembered the yarn. Of course I got the wrong color to finish my current project and chose a color to start a new one.

Would you believe that Jimbob hates to go to Garden Ridge with me? For those of you who might not know what Garden Ridge is, it's the world largest craft and junk store. It's huge. Britt (before she got too grown up to be seen with Mom) and I used to go together and spend hours pawing through the bargain tables and boxes. Sometimes, we'd even buy STUFF we had no idea what we were going to use it for, but for less than a dollar it was too good to pass up.

Many of you won't understand my enthusiasm, but for the perennial crafter out there, THEY'LL KNOW.


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