Thursday, September 15, 2005

Whats the Hurry

Here I am doing 65 in a 55 mph zone, and I’m nearly getting run over. Where are all these idiots going? The light just turned red a quarter mile up the road and they’re still accelerating. Do they think the Jolly Green Giant is going to push a magical button and make the light green just for them?

Is it a death wish? The highway I travel certainly has more wrecks than most. I was headed home in my Miata (a very small car) a while back when the traffic in front of me came to a dead stop. The third car in front of me had just been hit head on by a pickup truck. If it’d been me in that little pop can I was driving, I’d have been road kill.

That’s not the first time God was watching over me. A couple of years ago, I was waiting at a red light and I was debating whether to go straight ahead or turn right. I’d actually opted to go straight, but when I reached the corner, my automatic pilot kicked in and I made the right.

The driver in the pickup next to me went straight (North). Much to his misfortune, a gravel hauler in the West bound lanes ran the red light and creamed the pickup. Once again, if it had been me, that truck would have thought he’d hit a speed bump. Don’t you know I said a prayer or two?

I just don’t get it. If you’re late for work, you’re late. If you can’t make it in the time allotted, leave earlier. It’s not the Indianapolis 500, or maybe I’m just not a speed freak like some people.

I’ve been in one wreck, and there’s nothing like the sound of impact. Movies just don’t do it justice. Unlike the studios would have you believe, it’s not a ringing sound. It’s a dull whump. A dead sound you’ll never forget. The wreck I was in was 29 (July 4, 1976) years ago, and I still suffer for it. So for your safety and mine, SLOW DOWN you jerks!


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