Friday, November 18, 2005

I need it BAAAAAD

I'm off today and going to spend the day with a friend from church. We're going to a craft/decor place we both love and then have lunch. Jimbob bought me a gift certificate for a massage and I'm going later today.

This week at work was from hell and then some. I can't say I'm always right, but I just wish big bro would check things out before he assumes I'm guilty. Yesterday, was a real shocker. The boss', boss' boss went into the hospital for triple by pass surgery Wednesday afternoon (of course he didn't tell anyone at work). You've probably guessed by now, he never woke up.

The man was not particularly loved, but I sure heard a lot of hypocritical grief. When people said something to me, I told them he never spoke to me in the 5 or 6 years he was in power. I'm sorry he's dead, but it really doesn't make any difference to me.

I'm not cold hearted, but the only change in my life will be in who replaces him. I have my druthers, but I'll stay in my little cubby hole and not hear from anyone unless I do something wrong. Or at least they think I did something wrong.

Now, I'm going to go have my breakfast, get Jimbob's coffee ready to turn on, get my shower, clean out the car (to accomodate all of our wonderful purchases), and go have a girl's day out with a friend.



Blogger Big Dave T said...

Sometimes it seems like there is a subtle force at work, trying to make the more senior workers quit, so they can be replaced by younger, cheaper employees. They can't be too open about it, cause then it would be age discrimination.

Or maybe it's just that I'm paranoid when I see things like that (and what you speak about).

Blogger Duke_of_Earle said...


I hope you had a great weekend and are rejeuvenated and ready for a great (SHORT!) work week.

I used your comment/question to write yesterday's post, and then promptly got confused and credited the comment to someone else.

I think I straightened it all out today. Sorry.


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