Sunday, October 09, 2005


Down and out. At least that's how I feel at the end of Monday. I'm not used to sitting all day without being able to get up and move around when I need to.

I love the Master Gardening class, but I"m not sure I have enough pain pills to make it throught the entire class.

Tomorrow I go for my last epidural and I hope to get better results from this one. I think the second one actually made the pain in my back and legs worse. But I still have hopes. I don't want to live the rest of my life gulping pain pills. I sure could use a little magic here and a whole bunch of prayers.


Blogger Duke_of_Earle said...


I'm not much at magic, but pretty adept at prayers. One good one, coming your way right now!


Blogger N6FFU said...

Hang in there Nanc.... My thoughts are with you, as always...

Blogger Unknown said...

Nana, please know that I consulted with my pain guru (fictious person) and he said the only way I could help you was to send you all the love and good thoughts I could muster within brace yourself. So please get better cause life won't be the same without a daily dose of Nanna. (warm fuzzies your way :-) )

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope this spinal works. they arent fun to have.
chowing pills isnt too awful a thing if it gets you through, though i do understand the wish for it to cease.
if there is anything we can do to help, please call asap. :D
we both love you very much & want you to feel better & be happy.
i also found out something neat... my gramma Joy took master gardening back in the day, & she still has the books & pins & such. maybe one day i can take it as well. complete a circle, kind of. :)
hope you feel better soon.

Blogger the many Bs said...

Sorry you're in so much pain. I'll think good thoughts for you. Being on drugs is not that good for you either. Hang in there.

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