Saturday, June 10, 2006

Klutz of the Year

I've often said that I could trip on the white line in the middle of the road and last Thursday, I proved my point. I was in the process of trading offices with a guy at work and as always I took the opportunity to dispose of paper that had accumulated since my last move.

Once I decided what to get rid of, I had a stack about 6-8 inches of paper that needed to be shredded. I was down to the very last piece of paper to shred and it was rather thick and wouldn't engage the cutting blades. Like a dummy, I pushed.

When it finally caught and was sucked in, I didn't have time to let go. Believe it or not, all I said was "ouch". Thank God all I caught was the tip of my ring finger and middle finger on my right hand. More than anything they were smashed with only a small cut on the ring finger.

There were two other people in the room with me and they were both ready to rush me to the hospital, but it really wasn't a big deal. I washed the cut, applied pressure and within a couple of minutes it quit bleeding. One of them even asked if I wanted to file a workmen's comp claim.

I did file a claim when I tripped on the carpet edging and fell and cracked my shoulder blade, but for a little cut that didn't even need stitches? I don't think so. It does make typing somewhat awkward, but that's about it. Although I'm being very careful not to get dirt in the cut while I work outside today.

Gee, do I dare go out and use the table saw like I had planned today? I think I'd rather be painting, but then I might fall off the ladder. I guess I'll try to find something where I can't hurt myself.

Here's one of life's mysteries (at least to me). Almost every weekend, I'm outside sweating like a stevedore, but do I loose any weight? Hell no!


Blogger Big Dave T said...

I know a lot of folks who have received nasty cuts on table saws. If you're accident prone, I'd stay away. About the only power tool I use is a power drill. You don't see too many people injure themselves with those.

Blogger Duke_of_Earle said...

Just how DO stevedores sweat, anyway?

Coupla years ago at a plant not far from mine, a clerical employee got her fingers sucked in worse that you did. The shredder caught them and then jammed. It took several maintenance employees nearly 30 minutes to pry the thing apart and get her free, and she was screaming much of the time. Horrible scene! Glad yours wasn't that bad!


Blogger Moggy said...

Next time you should do like me and just pack everything in boxes and take it with you. I guess one of these days my new office is going to be so full that I won't fit in it.

I'm glad your okay.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! That's one of my greatest fears - getting something caught in the shredder. Your tough though. I know the feeling of being clumsey and awkward - that's me too. I'm used to making a fool out of myself, and even though I've been doing it my entire life, I still don't like it.

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