English Anyone?
I was thinking on the way to work this morning (which could be dangerous) and remembered that I had read numerous times that English is a very difficult language to learn. I received an e-mail yesterday saying that as long as the first and last letter in a word are correct, most people can still understand what it is.
But when you stop and think about how many words sound alike but are spelled different and mean different things, it's confusing to say the least. Right off the top of my head the first thing I thought about was to, too and two. Then I progressed to four, for and fore. We can't omit ate and eight. Then there is gate and gait. And let us not forget weight and wait. And while we're at it, there's waste and wait.
Could we stop our cars with breaks instead of brakes? Only if we run around bear naked instead of bare naked. Here's another good one, they're, there and their. I'm sure there are lots more, but I don't have much time.
There are two words that don't mean the same thing but I've heard so-called educated people interchange them. "This is are bed" is no more correct than saying "Where our you going?" One of my all time favorite words comes from music. Smorzando! Now doesn't that sound like something delicious to eat?
Yum! Cook me up some while I reed/read some other blogs, if your/you're willing. (Yes, "their" "our" lots of them.)
Oh. And how involved is someone who simply dials 911? Gee!
Somthing I find a lot is people who don't know how to use "to" & "too"... which amazes me to say the least. =)
(By the way, I had lost this link for awhile, & am so glad to have remember enough of your user name to look it up!)
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