Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Oxymoron-a phrase in which two words of contradictory meaning are used together for special effect, such as military intelligence. Of course that’s an old cliché. I would never call any of our military stupid like John Kerry did during a televised speech and then claim it was a joke gone awry. My niece is in the Air National Guard and has been to Iraq twice. She’s a petite little blond who works on jet engines. No dummy there.

AWD or 4WD-would someone please explain the difference to me between all wheel drive and 4 wheel drive on a car? Don’t most domestic and even foreign cars (except those tiny three wheeler jobbies) have 4 wheels? So if you apply power to all the wheels, don’t you wind up with 4 wheel drive? Do you think maybe they power the spare…just in case?

Have you ever noticed-there are some drivers on the road who seem to think that when they get into their cars nobody can see what they’re doing. Just the other day I saw one guy who had his finger buried in his nose up to the first knuckle. Yuck. And then there was the man who had porno playing on the video screen of his SUV. A cop saw it (who else?), stopped the man and issued a ticket. First the driver said it wasn’t his movie and that a friend had left it in his car as a joke. Then he complained because the cop confiscated his movie. Come on guy, which is it?

Some people say-listen to the news tonight and count how many times you hear this phrase. Does that mean one person said or a million? I think it’s just a way of having to do less research. And what kind of a news event would it be if nobody said?

Might not be a bad idea-I may have covered this before, but that’s an answer that drives me crazy. That could mean anything from, “I love your idea and I’m going to steal it for my own,” or “What a total idiot!” It goes right along with “not bad”. If it’s not bad, does that mean it’s good? And if it’s good, why not just say that it’s good. Maybe we can chalk it up to fear of commitment.

Okay, time for me to go back to work.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know your writing is not half bad ;-)

Actually it's very good. I love your meandering.

Blogger Big Dave T said...

Is "doorbuster" an oxymoron? I think "all wheel drive" is, though. Your spare tire is still a wheel, but it doesn't drive too when your car putts along.

Some people say I blog too much. I don't think so, but it might not be a bad idea to take a break now and then.

You ever notice that those drivers of those big semi-trucks often look down in the cars they pass. Yes, it's a good idea to behave in the car. (or might not be a bad idea to behave in the car).

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think 4WD and AWD are actually the same thing, except someone just didn't write the 4 or the A right. We all know that cars can drive on all 4 wheels.

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