Sunday, February 04, 2007

Politically Correct Police

I needed a weekend off. I'm not being very politically correct these days at the office. I got in Friday to an e-mail form the stupid cow that read, "The only projects that are not ordered are Nancy H's and I'm sure she has a perfectly good reason for not completing them." At first I just deleted it, but the more I thought about it, the madder I got. This woman does everything in her power to say "I'm sooooo terrific and everyone else can't do their job." I swear I'm going to buy her a neon billboard that blinks, "Look at me. Look at me."

Anyway, I retrieved the e-mail from the trash and replied to everyone that she copied (including our boss), "Thank you K-- for your res ponce, but I think it is adequate that you address your projects and allow R----- and me to take care of our projects." Actually, I thought I was very polite.

All day, I kept expecting the boss to call me into his office and say that K-- was just trying to be helpful. Being a giant wimp, I would normally just accept whatever he said, but I'd made up my mind I wasn't going to accept this kind of BS. Maybe he didn't get around to reading my reply on Friday and I'll get waylaid tomorrow. I just know I'm sick of her little digs in the guise of being "helpful."

I guess I'll never understand someone who is so insecure that they constantly have to put everyone else down while blowing there own horn (deserved or not). I'm happy if people leave me alone to do my job and it's plenty for me to know I do it well. Anyway, it'll be interesting to see if the politically correct police come after me in the morning. What are they going to do, fire me?

As a friend of mine always, slaves can't be fired. You have to sell them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you handled the situation very well. You asserted yourself, politely.

Sounds like she's a very unhappy, insecure, person.

Good luck with her.

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